Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Make Your Own Vision Board

penguin group

This exercise taps into your intuition to express dreams for yourself. Vision Boards, also sometimes called Dream Boards, use words, images, and colors that you select to reflect your visions and desires for the future. They can be created virtually, by making a collage of digital photos you have or images you find online; or they can be made the old- fashioned way, by gluing magazine photos onto a poster board. When done, include elements of your vision in your Life Maps (e. g., if your Vision Board has a travel image of India, include a trip to India on your map).

Even if you’re not inclined to create an actual Vision Board, at least go through the contemplative steps outlined on the next page. Do your best to “see” your creation. Store a mental picture of the results or even sketch it out on paper.

No two Vision Boards are alike. Yours can be as simple as a collage of magazine clippings that resonate with you, or it could include your own photos, words, and drawings. Your fi nished Vision Board will be a visual image that you can focus on as you set your daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Post it someplace where you’ll see it every day.

If you’re creating a paper Vision Board, you will need: a large sheet of sturdy paper or poster board; a photo of yourself (optional); a large pile of different kinds of magazines (with lots of photos); scissors; and rubber cement or a glue stick. If doing it on the computer, choose a program that allows you to insert images and move them around into a collage.

Step 1: (Optional) Place a photo that you like of yourself and that shows you feeling happy right in the middle of the board. There you are, deserving of a beautiful future.

Step 2: Sit quietly, with no distractions. Decide that all things are possible. Ask yourself what it is that you want to be, to do, to have, and to feel. What do you want to surround yourself with— what home, body, people, work, surroundings, toys? What makes you happy?

Step 3: Gather a collection of photos, images, colors, and words that delight you. Don’t worry about fi xing anything in place yet, just pick images using your intuition.

Step 4: Start laying your favorite images on the board. What feels right surrounding you? What doesn’t? Sort the images by theme or lay them randomly, letting your gut tell you what to put closest to your photo.

Step 5: Give your Vision Board a title that inspires you. This might be the same title you choose later for your Whole- Life Map.

Done? What have you learned about your vision for the future? Display your board where you will see it every day— as your computer background if your board is digital, or someplace like your refrigerator door if your board is on paper.

Via: How to Make Your Own Vision Board

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