Wednesday, February 13, 2013

20-Somethings Getting Botox? Oh, C'mon!

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There’s plenty to stress about when you’re in your 20s: student loan debts, volatile careers and a generally unstable dating scene. (Cue an episode of Girls.)

Wrinkles, however, don’t usually make the list.

Agonizing over crow’s feet and neck creases -- and pricey face creams and cosmetic procedures that are supposed treat them -- is something young adults usually get a pass on for at least another decade, if not two. The idea of avoiding wrinkles isn't even on my radar. Sure, I slather on a daily dose of SPF-infused moisturizer, but I’ve never really been concerned with any current creases. So I was shocked to learn that Botox is a very popular cosmetic procedure for women…in their 20s.

Experts say more and more young adults are opting for the procedure in order to help prevent future creases. And even though the evidence that Botox can actually block future wrinkles is still spotty, Botox is currently the non-invasive procedure most frequently performed on Americans younger than 35, according to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Think about it: That means a good chunk of those patients are barely post-grad. Some of us are still battling breakouts; now we’re supposed to scrutinize each tiny wrinkle as well?

Cosmetic crazes come and go, but this one might be zanier than most, intending to treat a problem that doesn’t even quite exist yet. (Um, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”) And even putting aside the usual mental health and self-esteem issues, forking over hundreds of dollars for injections just doesn’t really seem like a great idea on a typical Millennial budget.

Young adulthood is already a time of elevated doubt, self-scrutiny and worry -- Millennials are actually America’s most stressed-out generation, according to a study released last week by the American Psychological Association. I’d like to not add one more thing to the list.

Via: 20-Somethings Getting Botox? Oh, C'mon!

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